Upcoming Events

January/February Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training

Weekend 1 January 23rd and 24th, 10-6pm
encapsulates issues of fertility miscarriage, and the first trimester of pregnancy

Weekend 2 February 27th & 28th, 10-6pm
prenatal yoga second and third trimesters, yoga for labor and delivery

This 30 hour training is designed to give each teacher the tools and knowledge to teach prenatal public and private classes with confidence. The two weekends will focus on fertility and early pregnancy, creating a base for a prenatal yoga practice, how to sequence a prenatal class and modify the poses for prenatal women, and the therapeutic applications of yoga for conditions that arise throughout pregnancy. We will address working with the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles safely in pregnancy and the use of props and hands-on adjustments. Both weekends will cover asana, pranayama, and common therapeutic issues associated with pregnancy. $750 for advanced registration (before 1/4) $450 for one weekend only. Should have completed 200 certified hours of teacher training. Applications being accepted now online! 

Both weekends located at NoHo Home Studio
652 Broadway Apt. 12R (between Bond + Bleecker)
New York, NY 10012

Jennifer Pettit